by the artist ATB
BIRTH: 06/20/1985
DEATH: 06/20/1985


SOULED is a lifelong, time-based work of art by the artist ATB.

The art is released in WAVES of 12 identical prints called WORKS. Each time one sells, the next doubles in value. But, they are only available for 12 days.

Any WORK that doesn't sell within that window must be destroyed in the recorded performance of a WAKE.

The first WORK sold in every WAVE receives a BIRTHMARK and the 12th a LIFEMARK.

In the event that not every WORK sells, then the last WORK to have sold receives a DEATHMARK.

WAVE 11: HOW TO REMEMBER THE STEPS was the latest WAVE of SOULED. It debuted at the immersive SOULED retrospective HOMECOMING.

For insight and information on all previous WAVES including when, how, and where they were released — as well as sales records — please visit the WAVE archive.

If you wish to receive advanced notice of the next WAVE, opening in 2025, subscribe to SOULED updates using the form at the bottom of this web-based installation.